Back to Hugo for This Blog

The very first time I started blogging I used a Java based blogging platform called Pebble. If you look at it, you’ll understand how long ago that was. Blogging had just become something people did and I had some level of success mostly due to the newness of it all. I was writing “how-to” articles and they seemed to resonate. At that time I was also heavily involved with CodeRanch, formally known as JavaRanch. So I would often take my answers there, and expound on them on my blog. ...

Testing Spring Data JDBC Repositories with Test Containers

Recently, for a side project, I’ve gone through the motion of Spring Data JPA to JDBC and then found a middle-ground with Spring Data JDBC. I’ve come to loathe ORM’s but I don’t need to hand wire SQL statements into Row Mappers for basic CRUD operations. Spring Data JDBC seems to be as close to an ORM (it’s essentially a Row Mapper) as I want to get. Plus, I can always revert down to JDBC with JdbcTempate if I want. ...

React Native AuthProvider

There was a time when authentication was different in every single React Native application. Over time, the community / industry seems to have settled on a standard assuming no reliance on a third party library. Using a simple hook with context with some sort of secure storage mechanism for reloads is surprisngly simple and elegant.