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Published on 06/27/2024 14:25 by 3GCodes

My daugher is going into a 12 month program at a community college just outside of town. It’s just far enough that my wife and I don’t really want her commuting every day. So we decided to rent her an apartment in the college town.

Due to the terrible way that the program she’s entering determies acceptance, we could only just now start making arrangements for school starting in mid-Auguest. We had done a preliminary visit months ago to get an idea of what was available and to see what the space looked like. But we couldn’t lock anything down until we knew my daughter had been accepted.

My daughter had narrowed her choices down to three locations and she ranked them in order of preference. She called yesterday to find out what was available and only one location had anything and it was a two bedroom, which she just doesn’t need and we don’t want to spend that much. However, with little to no options, her and I drove there today to fill out an application.

Oh, the application process? Let’s see:

And this was fairly common across all the places we had visited previously. We get there and the employee we talked to yesterday told us they no longer had anything available. One day. When we spoke on the phone there was no mention of how we could reserve it or anything. So we went shopping around again and found another place with only two bedroom spaces available, but they had one. the application fee was less, and we could lock it down for 30 days with a $400 deposit (non-refundable, by the way).

In that time, my wife called and said she found a studio/one bedroom option. So we drove over there. They have no local office. I called the phone number and the recording (could not get a human on the phone) said their office is located in the city we live in. However, they did have an online application process.

In addition to the rediculous application process, I had to provide multiple forms of proof of income, a photo of my drivers license, and employment history. I know I’m old and crothety. but when I had to rent an apartment during college, all I remember was filling out a one page application (no fees) and handing them a downpayment and maybe first months rent. Then I moved in.

So as bad as it is for young people today in the economy with the rising costs of everything except hourly wages and salaries, now people are dragged through an awful process just to pay someone to live in a terribly managed sub-par apartment complex.

My oldest son’s situation was way worse, but that’s a story for another day.

Written by 3GCodes

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